Though very recent, this picture will eventually be part of my history ya?
I just purchased a fish eye lens for my camera.
Im having a good time taking pictures I still need to shoot more.
practice makes perfect.
By the way this is Kevin doing a blunt pull in fakie.
This guy is the bassist for Incubus.
He looks like me..
Very strange. I never see people that look like me.
(LOL) Except for the one time I was at the mall I saw a guy walking towards me, I said to myself. " Hey , that looks like Chris Trujillo."
I am Chris Trujillo! I felt bad for myself.
Sigh, Prom.
It was great to play dress up with all my buddies.
I look sharp as hell in a tux...
And with hair.
More fun with cameras.
Slow shutter speed, a lighter and some photoshop.
Good times.
Heres a nice little photo.
Jen and me on a chilly evening in old town.
I enjoyed that vest. I also enjoyed having side burns apparently.
What was I thinking?!
Way to long.
One of my first and favorite photoshops of all time.
I worked at Papa Murphy's at the time.
I was excited to use font that I pulled from a website.
I've always enjoyed cross bones.
Mix it all up and you get this little number.
I have to use it some more.
Me and Jon boy went out to Dixon New Mexico a few years ago.
Very pretty place to look at.
Not so nice to sleep.
It was 30 degrees and all I had was a sleeping bag.
I could hear the rats in the floor boards of the shack we slept in all night.
Again , Its just so much fun to shop your friends on to strange characters.
Top one is Bryan with a pokemon body for no good reason other than I did a good job on it..
Bottom one is Stew with a Turkatron body.
Turkatron would like to get wasted , stager around and talk about time rifts..
So did stew.
Welp thats it for now..
Sorry it took so dam long to post this final installment.
Im going to post more frequent.
I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on my journey of live.