Friday, June 11, 2010

Norma Jean..

He laid emeralds in her eyes, but I'd

already tried a bracelt made of gold and a scarlet

thread around her wrist. Everything was wrong so we

sang sentimental songs. "Oh how seldom we belong but

how elegant our kiss." We painted crooked lines but

danced in perfect time to a love so much refined, we

know not what it is until like a dullen wine we pour

into a grief know before but never quite like this.

All i know now is regret, it follows like a silhouette

along the cobbelstone behind me, but has nothing to

say except to innocently ask, its voice delicate as

glass, "Do you see me when we pass?" but i continue on

my way.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Just because I can.
I can always enjoy a trip down memory lane with Robbie Williams.

Last time.. Toasty..

1. Last time you ate king crab: Twice in the last month ;)

2. Last time you threw up: Jesus, who knows... Bathroom at anodyne?

3. Last time you read a book : Been readin Order of the Phoenix for the last year, while i poop.

4. Last time you pooped in the woods: Just before robbing Josh Stanford by pellet-gun-point.

5. Last time you thought you were gonna die: Every time I hear your (Chis Theblog's) voice.

6. Last time you don't remember what happen: I made about 5 different scenes on saturday for Audreys graduation... I remember about 2 1/2

7. Last time you had you wanted green chile: Never... But I eat once a year to stay immortal

8. Last time you were a hot dog: Daily drive to work in the Rx-8 ;)

9. Last time you thought you were a Mexcian: Lol, tequila?

10. last time you thought you were Irish: Lol, whiskey?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Dear Gary Coleman..

Dood, I don't even want to make fun of you.
You had a really bad adult life.
And then you died at a pretty early age.
I guess it just goes to show life can be cut short..

What you talking bout Willis?

Dear Dennis Hopper..

I think you were in Speed.
Thanks for jerking around that surf bum Keanu and making him look like a goon on a bus that could only go 55 mph.
Now thats a plot!

Dear Carlisle house..

What can I say about this house that hasn't already been said about a whore?
Always open and ready to party...
And always willing to do my laundry :D
You gave us a ton of memories..
Among other things.

These two songs are dedicated to you.
Hopefully you have some speakers at work.

Thats right!
Shiny and new!

Who would win in a fight?

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