Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year in review..

Some photos from each month.
Thanks to everyone who lets me stick my camera in their face.
Couldn't really have a blog without you.
For those of you not pictured , thank you too.
And thanks to all my friends and family who make me happy.
good luck in 2010... Puto's.

January 1st 09

Vegas in February.

Grandma kitty moved us out in March.

I became the Blog in April.

Stewart made his triumphant return only to be sucked into a time rift in May.

Dunny bleeds in June.

Vegas vacation part 2 in July.

Mexicans just wanna have fun in August.

Mike throws a barspin after lights out in September.

Sean dies and haunts Toastie in October.

Drunken nights at Seans in November.

When May Ends Reunites in December..

Happy new year lurk bunnies.
Don't get the aids.


Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Hey puto's, looks like we survived another year on this blue ball floating through space.
Only two more spooky years until 2012!
Thats right, in the Myan calender they predicted some shit going down on that date.
..And well I guess you all know whats going to happen.

Thousand year old fire works will go off at each ancient pyramid somehow.
Conspiracy kooks and who ever in the hell thought something would happen will look like idiots.


Some doomsday shit might pop off.

He killed Superman you know..
Thats not good.

Anyhow, 2010 is in two days and you can kiss this sorry ass decade good bye.
I hope you all plan on setting some kind of new years resolution.
I know I will be.

Let us all have some goals and plans for the double digits.
I'd like to provide you with some advice as well.
Lets go with.. 5 tips.
Ok, here we go.

1. Eat more chile.

Quit being a sissy coward and nom on some chile.
I prefer you have either red or green.
Keep it local.

2.Go outside more.

These guys are outside and they love it.
Go hike, go camping , ride a bike.
Skate Indian school.
Throw eggs at cars, just get out and enjoy life outside your box before it becomes illegal.

3. Reduce the population.

Stop having 3 to 5 children.
Stop having unplanned pregnancies.
Have some self-responsibility and think of the consequences.
The more we spread like wild fire, the more resources we use to satisfy every humans needs and creature comforts.
With modern medicine keeping us all healthy or just barely clinging to life and not dying, we need to cap our pop.
Tell Cletus and Peggy Sue to keep up the birth control and help Al Gore with his money scheme ERR.. I mean, global warming.

Sorry for the buzz kill right in the middle of it all.

4. Tell the truth.

I think we could all use a lesson in honesty.
Give it a shot, you never know what might happen.
If enough of us told less lies then maybe we could all be more personable with one another.
Start revealing our inner thoughts and become one with Buddha?
Leaders of countries call truths and join hands for a koombiya circle around the world.
I become a democrat somehow with my new lease on life, lie free..
Better yet, just keep all the lies going.

And lastly


My old pal for the win.
If a puppy on drugs and the government say it's ok it must be.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Photos putos..

Some photos I took from the last week or so.

Key board cat.

Some slow shutter stuff in front of Kevin's.

Me driving around with one eye in the view finder.

All systems are a go.

All the cloud cover made tonight (12/29/09) really bright.

Poppet can lick her finger.

Passed out chick from angies party.
She soon threw up.

Who else has the gut to take a picture of themselves peeing?
Id like to see.

Jeff the giant.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I am Spooky blog..

Well Damn..
I've been working on my newest blog for a couple of days now, but I was just advised not to post it until I have seen a certain movie.
So now I have nothing to show for tonight..
So in replace of my highly anticipated post, here is some scary shit..

God !
I hated this shit! :(
I would always want to change the channel when I was a kid but I guess I liked scarring myself.

Simpson version kind of rattled me too..

That always freaked me out.

Bryan stop looking right now..

Do not like!!!

Ghost are sketchy too..

Holly Hell!


The Hoff always FTW.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

When May Ends..

Saturday was the When May Ends reunion extravaganza.
Plenty of fun, booze and debauchery.
What else would you expect from scum like us?
I have a ton of photos and not very much for a story line.
So here is a bunch of pictures, enjoy.

Annie Jean Trio:
Or Annie Jean Posse, since Jacko jumped on board.

He has the swine, avoid him.

laser show.



Jack makes funny faces.

Good turn out.

Just friends.

Kenny had to step in for the ailing Jacko.

K dog loves his whiskey and coke.

Dark Jacko.

Reminds me of this concert I went to in 72'

R.J. Berry Was feelin it.

Wardrobe malfunction..
These rock stars never learn.

Eric Clapton song time.

Toastie covered a Weezer song and got the crowed going.

Just friends.
(from prom)
In the same corner.

James kills it on the drums.

Good crowd.

The price is right bitch.

Head in butt.

Jack has a good front man look on his face.
Like David Lee Roth.

Just friends.

Clap clap!

Feelin it!

Badson is always Feelin it.

Spring break!

Playing till the strings pop off.

She was there.

And so was she.

Jack is feelin it.
Boogie down.

Just friends.

Party people.

More party people upstairs.

Id rather roller blade.

The Mayor is always feelin it.

Just friends.
Just friends.

Camera warfare.

Badnews thinks this is dazed and confused.


Poppets feelin it?
Belen in the house.

Badson in his prime.

Hide the colored's , Bird Man is in the house!

Fucking feelin it!

A Jonny Cash song they preformed was epic!

Ronnie Reagan caught the tail end of things.

"Good job Badson!"

Im feelin it!

A little medicine for the wounded.

Just friends !?

Just friends.

Germans are always out of focus.

Oh hai.

Just old friends.

They help out the trip.

Last picture on my camera.

Overall a great night.
Thanks to all that came.
If you missed out , you missed out..
Im going to be putting up some more photos on my flickr account so look out for those.


Who would win in a fight?

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