This picture has a ton of significance.
I went on a eleven day trip.
It was the first time I went on : a plane, a ship.
The first time I went to: Florida, Jamaica, Mexico, Haiti.
The first time I : threw up green, swam in the ocean, gave chips to a beach raccoon!
This little guy loved chips and salsa.
This is Grandma kitties hope campaign poster.
I thought it was funny at the time.
Jon , Kevin and me.
I had just moved into my first house and we were given a ton of junk.
With all the junk we happen to get ahold of some rope lights.
Not many people know this , but we were going for a garden state pose.
Ya know , were there on top of the bus towards the end.
This picture is hard for me to put words to it.
The beginning.
Our first house.
My first roommates.
Obama the LOLCAT.
So Im part of the opposition.
It was a fun photoshop.
Didn't make to much static with my libby friends.
Its funny as hell.
This was at my first house in Albuquerque.
It was a nice autumn day , so me and Andy had a photo shoot.
That house was so nice.
SOOO dam pricey though.
I learned a lesson for sure.
Even if the house is great, never live with five people.
I'll never forget that awesome pic of the mexican racoon lol