Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Black and White and Brown All Over..

Sam Armijo turned 24 for the first time.

 The boys are back in town..

 So are the ladies. 

 Whoooo, happy Birthday!

YAY big smooch!

 Tanner is bummed because he has no smochie..

 awww , better..

 Dirty hates love.

 The last pariah?


 Might have wanted to light the cake up first Mike.
Geez you hippie salad guys.

Yay , happy times.

 hero cake shot.

 Jimmy goes in for the finger..

 Sam is not impressed..


 More shananagins from Jim..
 The old " face in the cake bit".

 (In his own head) "Ya Sanchez!"

Jim glammed it up .

 Always a dance party..

 The Trujillo Wallace clan.

Jam sesh.

 Tan blows.

Vato as fuck!

 This picture might have happen sixty years ago.
Cha Cha and Dalfino ; circa 1951.

He he.

 Sex robot tattoo time.

 Jordan is from the pickle state.

 I need more GRRR damn you !

Inappropriate sister boob grab?

 Im at a loss for words?

Wardrobe malfunctions.. 

Last picture of the night.

Great night over all.
Thanks to Toastie and Audrey for the foodz and UFC... And to Sam for having a birthday and for giving us a reason to drink beer and act like teenagers.
Good night now.

Who would win in a fight?

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