Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sea sick..

Tell me who's  body this is for a prize.
One week.
Fire everything.


I took some pictures this week.
Wanna see?

I recently bought a tripod.
This is one of the first things I shot with it.
No bigs..

This picture got me in trouble with security at Pres.
The guards searched my my bag and went through my photos.
They where making sure I wasn't taking pictures of the hospital.
My question was why would it matter?
I suppose national security matters. 
Good picture though.
Go Lobos!

Today Jack and I went out and took some photos of his Precious
It was an opportunity for the both of us.
He got some shots of him in action, and I got some experience points with my cannon.

This trick is called the Jewish finger.

Im not even sure what to call this one.
Almost looks like a sexual position.
Ill call it the Dirty Chavez.

I enjoy the color scheme of his bike.
Very classic car look.
Not like some other fixies.

Hero shot.



Photo: Jon

Sean kicked Brett in the baby maker.
Something very erie  about this photo.


Good night.
Ill blog more this week I swear!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Not to touch the earth..

Whew, what a week I've had.
Work keep me super busy and the week went by in an instant.
Which of course always leads the weekends of madness and insomnia.
This weekend was no exception.
Good times as always, no problems what so ever.
I almost got my feet taken out by a hawk!


Yeah, sounds crazy right?
So I had my feet sticking out of the truck window on our way to Ruidoso.
I was talking about  Jim Morrison and how he claimed he had some indian spirits trapped in him from New Mexico. 
Mid sentence and threw the corner of my eye I see a hawk on a crash course with the windshield.
My gut reaction was to yelp and pull in my feet. Good thing I did because the impact point was directly where I had my feet.

See what I mean?
It wouldn't had been good me thinks.
Was this just a freak accident or did the Lizard King hear the skepticism in my voice and send one of his spirit wilderness creatures after me?
Call it however you'd like.

" I am the Lizard King .... I can do anything"

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Your a twit..

Ill let you in on some information via a blog.
The world does not need to know what your doing right now or five minutes ago.
I do not need my inbox on my phone flooded with tweets saying that you and your mom went to cold stone and now your BFF's.


Does are already overly congested internet socializing networking need twitter?
Did that last sentence make any sense?
No.(first question)
 Regardless, the twitter seems a little over kill. 
It's already been done.
What more can your include on it that you havent already yapped about on myspace or face book?
Nobody needs to know what your up to every minute. 
Besides you never know, it could stir up some drama.

(Aw hell)
See the drama!?

It just seems easier to harass people.
Save the shit talking for the backs , the old fasion way.
not hiding behind a twit.

If you already have myspace and facebook you dont need a third piece of social trash that nobody reads anyway.
Kinda like my blog :)
Who am I kidding. The internet is all about social trash. The only reason theirs anything else online it is to support your social trash facts on forums and fan boy sites.
Oh, and porn.



Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Whats the big deal?
Im noticing the resurgence in the sport among my piers.
Not that I have anything against the sport, but I figured it was kind a thing you fall back on when your back can no longer deal with real sports. (just kidding)

My kinda sport.

Hey, in all honesty golf has been around for freakin centuries and demands a little respect.
According to my pal wiki, golf was arguably founded in the 12th century in Scotland..
By some bored ass sheep herders.
Again not hating just stating the facts.

Dam son.

I tried golfing nine holes one time.
I would have to say if one does not perfect their skill very quickly it could result in
club tossing or stroke.
Slicing the ball completely off the course can tilt someone the fuck out. 

LMAO yes!
Ah the hell with it this blogs going nowhere.
Here's Obama sucking at golf.

I will golf in my late thirties.
sorry guys.

Im easy like sunday morning..

Im here Im here!
Im slacking as always with blogging. 
Im sitting here on my lunch break thinking how bad of a person I am not entertaining all my ADORING fans.
Your crushed Im sure.
Im heading back to work but I assure you that I will post tonight.
Ill leave you with a classic scene that pretty much embodies some of our Sunday mornings.

If you can tell me what one thing is odd in this picture Ill give you a prize.
Ill give it a week.
This should be interesting.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The new black..

I guess you really haven't lived until you walk home super drunk at the break of dawn.
It wasn't to far but it sucked.
I think..

Who would win in a fight?

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