The world does not need to know what your doing right now or five minutes ago.
I do not need my inbox on my phone flooded with tweets saying that you and your mom went to cold stone and now your BFF's.

Does are already overly congested internet socializing networking need twitter?
Did that last sentence make any sense?
No.(first question)
Regardless, the twitter seems a little over kill.
It's already been done.
What more can your include on it that you havent already yapped about on myspace or face book?
Nobody needs to know what your up to every minute.
Besides you never know, it could stir up some drama.

(Aw hell)
See the drama!?
It just seems easier to harass people.
Save the shit talking for the backs , the old fasion way.
not hiding behind a twit.

If you already have myspace and facebook you dont need a third piece of social trash that nobody reads anyway.
Kinda like my blog :)
Who am I kidding. The internet is all about social trash. The only reason theirs anything else online it is to support your social trash facts on forums and fan boy sites.
Oh, and porn.

Jah bless twitter and your blog sir