Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Whats the big deal?
Im noticing the resurgence in the sport among my piers.
Not that I have anything against the sport, but I figured it was kind a thing you fall back on when your back can no longer deal with real sports. (just kidding)

My kinda sport.

Hey, in all honesty golf has been around for freakin centuries and demands a little respect.
According to my pal wiki, golf was arguably founded in the 12th century in Scotland..
By some bored ass sheep herders.
Again not hating just stating the facts.

Dam son.

I tried golfing nine holes one time.
I would have to say if one does not perfect their skill very quickly it could result in
club tossing or stroke.
Slicing the ball completely off the course can tilt someone the fuck out. 

LMAO yes!
Ah the hell with it this blogs going nowhere.
Here's Obama sucking at golf.

I will golf in my late thirties.
sorry guys.

1 comment:

  1. i got hit in the head by a golf ball. no shit. from about 6 feet away from the guy. full force and all. i was driving a beer cart. who the hell whacks the girl who's bringing the beer? some old geezer who couldn't tell his hip from his ear piece.


Who would win in a fight?

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