Oh cool the olympics are on.
I guess I better root for...
The hot American babes?
How stoned do you have to be to watch Peter Pan and a tiny little chick dance on ice?
(LOL, or should I say the Asian Ricky Richardo and his lady Chichi.)
When snowboarding moved to the Olympics it lost all it's flavor as a sport, or a lifestyle or whatever you want to call it.
I'll admit, I watched some of it last night.
One stock air and then a bunch of 1080's and 1260's back to back.
No style just absolute over kill.
Trust me Im not defending Snowboarding or it's fans.
Let it be known, I dislike snowboarding and all the bro rich ass kooks that come along with it.
(with the exception of my pals who snowboard. Because they are my friends.)
(Cool Bra!)
Lets get some style and gnar kill points in the judging!
Give them credit for showing up an half hour late and performing hung over just like they always do.
But hey, Shawn White crushed it again. Big ups to him.
Way to stick to those floppy headed goons in C-EH-N-EH-D-EH.
Screw em.
Im kind of down for those skiing and snow boarding chicks.
There hot!
(Sarah Burke)( Robin Van Gyn)
( The website said they're Snowboarders, I'll take it!)
So yeah, thats about the only reason I'll watch those events..
That Lindsey Vonn seems like a real diva, or bitch , whatever is more p.c for you.
(Im watching you, you and all your crying about your injury then out of nowhere you dominate.
Your a trickster.)
Whatever happen to Picabo Street?!
That was my baby moma and a top athlete who could kick some Olympic ass.
( what up baby girl? Why don't you come with me and lose that leotard, because it's awful.)
Lets move on to curling !
(This is the new hot shit.)
I'm slowly becoming a fan of curling.
Im dead serious.
It's like a bar game.
I could have a beer while I'm in between turns.
Good looking girls are doing it!Im always into that.
(Good form)?
How hard can it be?
I want to start playing and eventually me and a group of my pals show up to the Olympics and we are the most hairiest, scummy-est, hung over average Joe's their.
That would be awesome.
And when we win gold I'll grab a mic and say to the world, " You see that ?! YOU SEE THAT?!
Im sleeping with... A bunch... of girls tonight!! ..And Im drinkin a ton of beer!!... and..."
That will be the point where they drag me off and I wish that I had known what to say.
Hopefully theirs a league in Albuquerque.
Better get started.
(Not a very good picture, to much shadow on the face.) (See, hot curling chicks. I'd sleep with them.. Errr, I mean party with them , I mean.. Hang out with them.)
( Me , Badson , Dirty, Stewkid, Toastie, Ronnie.)
So umm, Is there any other sports in the winter Olympics?
Meh, I don't much care.
Bring home all the gold you can.
God knows we need it.