Be prepared, for your body will be one with the earth.
And yes that son of a bitch Rafiki will be correct
when he claims its the circle of life.
On second thought, Im not even sure if he mentions the circle of life.
It might have just been Elton crying about it while Simba was born...
Anyway before I got completely derailed by the lion king.
I mentioned how mortality will get the best of us.
Sure things are fine and dandy now that you and Joe Cool are crashing kegers
and picking up on seventeen year olds who are mad at their parents.
The pleasures of getting up on time for work after sleeping 2 hours.
Not worrying about were you "slept" the night before.
I feel "asleep" next to a fridge with a bowl of ground beef in my hand. =(
Ahh, the times of being young and healthy.
Enjoy them now, for in the future they will be...
When your an oldy you will need a nurse for assistance.
You will need oxygen.
And you will sleep were ever you fall.
So, In all actuality being old is like being a young adult again.
Just a whole lot slower and wiser.
If Im to ever marry and we grow old together, I would be
sure to bail out first.
I don't really want to be the lonely one.
I see it everyday in my line of work. it sucks.
Besides old ladies always get boyfriends.
Just ask my grandma.
This is one of my favs so far sir!!