I was asked to write about Lost..
Ok fine.

I think it fucking sucks.
Fuck is such a strong wrong..
Well, Im a strong guy, guy.
Im gonna tell you what I know about lost without google-ing any info about it , and then I'll tell you why It sucks harder than Liberachi at Studio 64.

(This cat.)
Some goons got on an airplane and some mythical shit happened and then some people flew out the plane mid air.. Then they crashed into the ocean and the survivors swam to shore.

(Thats funny)
The cast included some japs, A fat guy, a bald crazy old man, a dot indian, and some limey kooks.
Oh, some hot chick and a doctor guy.. I think.

They lived pretty well for a couple of seasons without much drama.
I think a kid was born.
And some ghost came around..

Then some wack shit started happening..
Some sort of polar bear monster started eating people and Im pretty sure it didnt like fire..
Who doesn't like fire?

Then the guy from The Lord of the Rings found some Virgin Mary statues full of blow and was getting Rick James on them..
I think.

(One of these guys)
Then crazy old guy found a submarine door in the ground and there was a radio system in it.
Then I don't know what happen..
But then!
they Lost crew wasn't alone on the island after all.
Some black guy got his kid snatched up by the new crew and some other shit happened.
The last thing I remember they managed to get off the island and they got back to their normal lives as extraordinary people .. I don't know.
Crazy bald guy dies!
Then I think their was some time rift and the LOST cast had to get back to the island with the dead guy to lift a curse.
Some how they do it and some of them end up in the 70's, in Cuba or some shit.
And apparently it's ending soon.
It might have already..
Does that amaze you how much or little I know about Lost ?
I think I've only watched about four episodes and I got all that from them.
Now heres why it sucks.
A show about people stuck on an island should only last one to two seasons.
After that it just jumps the shark.
Like Fonzy.

The fact that they were finding all these crashed planes with blow and dealing with polar bears on a tropical island just supports my last statement.
Time rifts and shit??
No , no thanks.
Way to put a time rift in Star trek for me ass hat.

(Ass hat)
The only show I want to see with people stuck on an island is Giligan's Island.
I'd like to explore that mary ann's island..

Hells ya!
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