Hey what do ya know!
The right wingers, conservatives and republicans decided it was time to protest.
Taxed Enough Already party. (tea parties)
Seemed successful. I passed by one on my way home from work.
Very peaceful, little police presence.
Though I must admit, it didn't seem like much of a protest.
It was missing a few things like hippies,drum circles, Destroyed cars and riot police.
Tea parties all over the country raged on today in hopes of getting President Barry's attention.
MSNBC didn't seem to happy about it.
Nor were they mature about it.
Well hey, when your ratings are in the gutter I suppose you can do anything. No one was watching to be offended any how.
Wether which side you root for you must admit it was an eventful day in American history.
It's every Americans right to stand up for what they believe in.
Plus their were some cute girls there too.

Speaking of tea bagging theirs one little delicate flower I'd like to Offer my "stimulus package" too.
Wait a tick, I thought Rachel Maddow was a woman?
Oh here she is.
I hadn't seen that vid yet - they are unbelievable in their biased coverage. Seriously. It isn't a secret of course - but still surprises me to see sometimes. Good post! It was GREAT to be involved with the Tea Parties!