Who ever thought Sniper and pirate would ever be in the same sentence?

Awww, your modern day pirate. Not quite the fashion models nor have the chivalry of past pirates, but I guess you gotta keep up with the times. Anyhow, these goomba's are straight up nasty. They point RPG's at freight ships, then board them, then demand ransom.
WTF?! What the hell kind of pirate scum are these skinny's?
No booty snatchen? No jolly roger flags? No sweet ass ship with a walkin plank?
And especialy no frilly puffy shirts. I can only assume that they are just criminals with fishing boats. Better yet, their terrorist right? Oh wait, "terrorist" is a no no word in the states now thanks to our leftist buddies in office.
Ok so their just some disgruntled fishermen going postal.
I would have like to have seen to some of them take it back old school and get back to there roots.

Watch out for this tricky son of a bitch.
LOL,what the hell?!
I typed in pirates on youtube.well, watch out for these butt pirates...
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