So any how..

Chicharones mid cooking.

This is the look a vegetarian gives when she has to butcher a pig.
Sangria helps with that.

Just friends.
I think..

Carnita's and red chile.
Hell ya brother.

No press.

O.D.B as you can see.

The master of ceremony.
Thanks for the help Danny.

Just friends.
For now..

Power moves.

Everyone loves Ra.. chel.
But, everyone hates Chris.

Token cock shot. Not sure who this was.

Leave the camera to your lady , Toastie!
Caps on sucka!

Just peein.

Always an honor to have Mayor Boy around.

Derek was feelin it.

New Mexico shore.


Head hunters.

Chris showing off.

Jon ripped Dirty's spine out..
It was awesome.

Then he gave thanks to Wilbur's head.

Badson crew and they're worker.

I was pretty tired at the end of it all.
Digging pits, cleaning and gutting a pig, drinking Jameson and PBR's can make a man plenty tired.

Ronnie was just checking the lights.

Stew made a cameo.

Somebody had to much sangria.
That shit will put you to sleep.
Stick to the whisky.
Thanks to:
Jen, Shell and anyone else who got ahold of my camera.
Good times.
Keep in mind , early march I will be planning a 1 year anniversary for my mustache.
Get that shit growing.
Don't be a pussy.
Good night now!!!!!
fk'n rad pics yo