Monday, January 3, 2011

2010 in retrospect..

Thats how to use that word right?

In today's blog we will be taking a trip in time..
All the way to January 2010.
A look back at some events that I managed to capture with my trusty camera.

Enjoy the show.


John's Matanza

Toastie got to play on a tractor.

We lost a friend.


I got my new camera.

The year of the monkeys.
Matt and Kev's old place was a place of magic and mystery.
Always a party and plenty of party supplies.

Shot my first lady shoot.
Thanks Sooj.

Profit and High C preforming.
Free Profit!


Jen had a birthday party that would go down in the books.
I don't remember much of it.

The party managed to unite many clans under one flag.


The Annie Jean Trio plus one was on tour.

Little Chuckie was blasting airs.

Took some photos of a wedding.

Took a picture of Audge.

Mondo was starting to form.
You guys still owe Rose some money for those suits.


Me crying over road rash.

Discovering the power of a remote timer.
Me and Amanda getting acquainted.

Sister Blog Graduated high school.


Some loser getting arrested.


Not a lot happen in June.
I don't have any files on record..
I was taking pictures.
I think.

Alex flipped me off. :(


Noah was feelin the 4th.

Kev and Mr. Mayor move into a factory.

Camp Mondo in Jemez.

Mondo camp grounds.

Jonny Sanch had a birthday.

The return of Rachel Winslow. (On left)

Me and Manda walked up to Tome and touched one of the thousands of millipedes.


Went out to Portland.

Len scored a Kick flip grab to fakie.

Jack and Holly tied the knot.

DOUBLE DITCH went down.


Len gettting up off the hip.

Caitlin throwing some 3's, but never landing them.

Henry tail whipping .

Pixel got off the boat to live in America.

Quarter pipe art.


Dueling airs.

Grandma faking her death again..
Got her a pretty name tag at least.
I get calls that she's on the side walk begging for food.
I tell them just to put her on the porch.

Me and the Manda.
I look like a creep.

Joe P ,over ice.

Ruidoso for Halloween.

Profit won a NM new artist award!


Andy Dick has a surprise.

Jon Theblog.

Friendsmas went down.

Two grown ass men wrestled for ten minutes.

The lady on the far left smoked drugs with P Diddy or Jay Z..
She liked to chat.
Jess had a fashion show.


Life touch studios.
Jim Kev and Matty are feelin it.

George Costanza!

Birthday fun time.

I made a Charity, no biggs!

Made Caitlin a Flickr celebrity.

I ate a burger for the first time in a year.
Around 12:20 1/1/11

It was a hell of a year.
I had the honor of having some great people in my life for 2010.
I hope they all stay around for the next couple of years as well.
Or at least until Im sick of all of you ..
I keed.

Thanks to all who let me stick a camera in they're face.
Without you , there would be no Chris Theblog.

Good night now.


Who would win in a fight?

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