I had a birthday on the 7th of December..
No biggs..
The party didn't happen till the 10th.
Me and a Stewkid for the most part celebrate our birthdays together.
7th and 8th work out great??


U. S. American.

Locked stocked and ready to party.


My birthday wish was to perform with Mondo!

I sang back up and danced around like a crazy..

We created the song " Black Light " and it was a hit.
They're feelin it.

Toastie sang some Weezer.

Odd group..

" I have a really big penis and drink lots of tea!!"

Four lokos

Jimmy Jamming in the corner.

Peace out.


Fun night over all !
I was drunk-ish.
See you for Jon' s matanza!
Bye bye now !