Despite popular belief, I have a heart.
Tell all your friends...
About the toy drive.
Not me.

-For a few years now I have wanted to give to a charity but I wasn't sure where to donate or who to give to. So this year I decided to start my own charity and to give to kids who have it hard off and might not get a gift this year.
-All Im asking for is a toy for either a boy or a girl with a minimum cost of 7$. I figure that will get a kid a spider man or a barbie.
-I know that nothing is free in this world so I will be willing to give my services and take some fancy pictures of the donator.
-Im more than willing to go and pick up any toys given.
-You're more than welcome to stop by my residents.
Just ask for directions.
-Well, it starts right now.. As soon as you read this.
-I will stop collecting December 15th so that I can find a good place to give to. If not one place , several.
-I can keep everyone updated as to where I will donate to so that I doesn't seem like Im just keeping all the toys for myself.
Welp, Thats about it.
If your in just go right ahead and hit attend and get in contact with me within 30 days.
Or not hit attend and get ahold of me. Either way lets get some kids some gifts.
I would really appreciate any help that gets me a free pass out of Hell, and Im sure a few of you might need some help too.
All kidding aside..
Due to some recent events that have happen in my family, I feel like being a extra good person and helping out where I can.
So Don't get all mushy with me , just give to a kid who might need a toy to carry around like a trophy.
Good night now.