..But thats not why you came.
You came to this site to see me make fun of some sort of event that has happen to me lately.
Well your one lucky son of a gun , I just so happen to have some new photo's of last weekends events in the forest.
Jemez or bust
Let me start off by showing off my fence plant.
Cool right?
My trusty assistant Jon O.D.S.T Badson shot the photo for me , even got two angles.
That son of a bitch!
Zoom in on this photo and see the fear in my eyes.
It's their.
Jeff dropping in hot.
He's still got it.
Badson's Mexican hat dance, to fakie.
Tag teaming the rail for support.

On to the show!
A little Mondo pep rally.
1.. 2.. 3.. MONDO!
That, or everyone forgot how to rally.
This guy was here.
He was feelin it.
Mondo ready to rock the Jemez and disturb the old ladies from their naps.
Kenny Said no jokes or random yelling this time.
Didn't want another Burt's fiasco.
Harley " dukes of " Hazard was Feelin it!
The dog's name was Deeter, So I called him Derek Deeter.
This fucking kook was trying to steal all the attention!
And he did..
They have a following.
Mondo's biigest fan in the world , right in the middle.
Yea you!
Token Vox pic.
Token hippie pic.
Sorry pal, mines bigger.
Right under the canyon wall.
Pretty cool.
Toby-riffic hyping the crowd.
More cow bell.
Lots of stoned dogs.
To stoned!
Hyping it up for Rudy Boy!!
Jacko Wishes he was me.
I wish I had hair!
So awesome!
The new black.
I guess he was getting married.
That was the story.
But why the watermelon helmet?!
His shtick was putting TP on his victims.
I watched him try it to a big ass biker , it almost ended badly.
Epic Hero pose.
Jemez has it's weirdo's.
Beer , nips, hair.
Dirty's new victim .. I mean new girl.
Camp time.
Floating electric cock and balls.
God bless America.
Im pretty sure their was like 50 people camping out that night.
My tent.
Thanks to my GF for holding the flashlight very still for 30 sec.
Thanks :D
Ke$ha was there.
I dont know who that is either.
Taco Jon knows how to pop that taco.
These are the maiden voyages of the starship Enterprise...
It's not truly a hippie commune orgy until the acoustic comes out.
Everyones feelin that..
And the sing alongs went into the night and I went to bed.
I froze my ass off and woke up before everyone else and did not get killed by a bear like I thought I would.
No aliens either!
It's not really camping unless you sleep ON your tent.
Jeff was already up reading a book and listening to Simon and Garfunkel .. Or some shit like that.
Later that night I went home to find the ghost of Profit was on my tv!
Great weekend.
Thanks to all who gave me no permission to use pictures of them :D
great photos chris. your just getting better and better. thats rad ;)