Thursday, January 28, 2010

anatomy of a mantanza.. pt.2

This post has some blood and guts..
If your a pussy wussy please don't go any further.

You ever killed a man Kramer dood?

The only cure is .. more gasoline!

Top gun.

I've been known to skin a few pigs in my day.

Im feelin it.

I murdered a liver once.
The last time I said that was the day after I fell into a cake.

Bring your daughter to the slaughter.
The bull rider's feelin it.

The best thing about mantanzas is that the whole dam pig is put to use.
Stripped to the bone.
This baby is almost done.

Ol' Zippy was there.
She doesn't even know how to "feel it" any more.

Nothing clean about Sanchez's
Especially when two or more are around.

The crew was there.

"Jonny's meat market."
It was a meat market next door to me when I was a kid.
It was intense.

Ham hock.

The best way to cook outdoors.
With a 2x4.

I guess you could say it was a .. BLOOD BATH!!

Cook that funky liver white boy!
Cook that funky liver riiiiiiight!!

Cooked and prepared in the most unsanitary way.
you guessed it..


Greasy gold !

Doused in salt and put in a fucking UPS box.
God I love it!

The two bastards that killed Chichi!

Dirty wears pig heads for breakfast.

Shell knows how to look annoyed, after all she is a product of the myspace generation.
Does that even make sense??

Does any one know how to take this fucking underlining off??!!

Ill finish up when this curse is off me..

Monday, January 25, 2010

Anatomy of a mantanza.. pt.1

This post contains some gory shit.
If you can't handle blood and guts don't read my post.
Viewer discretion is advised.

Jon Badson had a mantanza for his birthday.
No biggs.
Gotta get up real early if you want to host a pig party.

Got up around four to start the fire and to boil the water.
I only got about 2 hours of sleep.

Their was some train tracks about thirty feet from us.
It made for some great photo's.

Waters done.

It snowed pretty hard for a while. From four to seven.
Luckily it stopped just before we needed to get to work.

Good morning.
I didn't think the pig was going to be given a name, considering we'd be killing in moments..
We named it Chichi.

To get into the mood we started off with the sangria.
Very traditional in these types of events and lord knows Im very cultured.

Badson in his cadillac.

Maybe a little more drinking around the fire..
Chichi can wait.

The Dick showed up.
Earlier than I thought he would show.
I was proud.

Ok I think we're ready..

you ready?

Thanks for your future tasty meat.

(You don't need to see the missing photo which would have gone here.)

Badsons wild ride!
I should've stayed on the top of the trailer, but the pig started bucking and I got freaked out and jumped off.
He's trying to stab the pig in the throat so that it dies pretty immediately.
The gun was to knock the pig unconscious. It didn't work as planed.

Badson wrestled a pig once.
Your sacrifice will honor a man turning into.. more.. of a man.

No bigs for the natural born pig slayer.

Dirty was feelin it.

Time to raise the dead.

And honor the body with spa treatment.

Accompanied by a shave.

Oops.. perhaps a bit to much off the top.

This is such a grind core album cover.
I'll use it for my long time in the making band, " Rabies For A Night"

GTFO Im doing science.
The very smelly part of the process.


I heard in some heart replacements for humans, doctors have been know to use pig hearts.

Okay , It's almost eleven and I have to go to school early so I'll continue in the morrow.

Who would win in a fight?

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