This post has some blood and guts..
If your a pussy wussy please don't go any further.
You ever killed a man Kramer dood?
The only cure is .. more gasoline!
Top gun.
I've been known to skin a few pigs in my day.
Im feelin it.

I murdered a liver once.
The last time I said that was the day after I fell into a cake.

Bring your daughter to the slaughter.

The bull rider's feelin it.

The best thing about mantanzas is that the whole dam pig is put to use.
Stripped to the bone.
This baby is almost done.

Ol' Zippy was there.
She doesn't even know how to "feel it" any more.

Nothing clean about Sanchez's
Especially when two or more are around.

The crew was there.

"Jonny's meat market."
It was a meat market next door to me when I was a kid.
It was intense.

Ham hock.

The best way to cook outdoors.
With a 2x4.

I guess you could say it was a .. BLOOD BATH!!

Cook that funky liver white boy!
Cook that funky liver riiiiiiight!!

Cooked and prepared in the most unsanitary way.
you guessed it..


Greasy gold !

Doused in salt and put in a fucking UPS box.
God I love it!

The two bastards that killed Chichi!

Dirty wears pig heads for breakfast.

Shell knows how to look annoyed, after all she is a product of the myspace generation.
Does that even make sense??
Does any one know how to take this fucking underlining off??!!
Ill finish up when this curse is off me..