The other day I posted a comment on my Face Book asking some of my readers what I should write about for my up coming blog.
I received plenty of suggestions but nothing that I really felt passionate about writing a full blog of.
So here is what I'll do:
I'll just write a short blog about each topic.
Write about them in good ol' Chris The Blog fashion,
and perhaps bitch and whine about some topics.
Sounds like a plan.
Here we go.
Im not sure what to make of this one.
It could be several things.
Well, I know Cartman got aids one time and Jimmy Buffet came and sang a song about, "aids burger in paradise"

Or ass burgers maybe.
Im pretty sure ass burgers are delicious!

What an awesome picture!
Or it could be Asperger's Disease
Thats not funny so much.
Andy Webb..

What can be said about this guy that hasn't been said about George Washington.
He's a mystical creature fresh from the slums of Belen.
Skating and drinking like no one is looking.
I've seen the kid drink half a fifth of tequila and rant some very non PC things.
I've also watched him get into my roof and come crashing down onto someone.
Quite the degenerate, but one hell of a skater.
Thirteen dollar beer..

( Not the 13$ beer.)
Okay so..
I purchased a thirteen dollar beer Friday night .. NO BIGS.
I'll be honest, not one of my favorite beers.
Damn did it get me tanked though.
F0r those of you with me that night, their were parts of the night that I forgot.
I barely remember IHOP.
"Marble Reserve:
Aged for eight months in bourbon barrels, this potent and warming ale is layered with oak, vanilla, malt, and bourbon. 9.0%ABV $6.00 13oz servings. Take home a 22oz bottle. No growlers please."
I also had four beers, a rum and coke and sneak drinks of everyones long islands.
eek, what a night.

Meh, waste of money I say.
All the gear, snowboard , travel and stay is just way to much to make it a hobby.
For only a few months out of the year it doesn't seem worth it.
Ill leave it up to Kev and the boys. I'll tag along and take pictures.

Im not a big fan of puppies.
I enjoy a dog when they are more grown up and calm.
I've had dogs all my life, and they never seemed to stick around to long.
My mom and her husband go through dogs like socks.
They would either die, get stolen or had to be put down.
I never really invested to much emotion in one dog except for Dahlia.

She's a terror.
Hide your daughters.
"Watch me grow"..
Okay , heres a funny story.
I sent Stewart a text one day that said ," Im watching you".
He sent me something around the lines of , "I watch you all the time".
Later that day I sent him the same text, and again he writes me the same thing from earlier.
Then he writes, " Watch me grow".
So seeing that, my pervert mind thinks of him watching me and pitching a tent.. If you know what I mean.
So I reply, " WTF?!"
He writes, " Watch me grow up from a child to an adult dude."
Now it's a big joke in our circle.

(Just friends)
The last book I read..
Holy crap, the last real deal book I read was Beowulf.
That was in high school 2004.
Not much of a book reader if you couldn't tell by that last sentence.
Though recently I did read my Bass guitar for dummies and my Cannon field guide for 1000D.
When I was a kid, I enjoyed the hell out of Goose bumps.

I could read these for days.
I have a few more to go so check back tomorrow night.
Sorry guys I get sleepy too.
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