Well not really a DEATH WISH, but more like a birthday wish list.
Now that I trapped you suckers into reading this, you might as well read the rest.
So I have a top eight list of things that I would like for my birthday.
I'm a pretty modest character and do not have a taste for pricey things.
So you may find my choices of gifts quite easy to acquire.
1. Sweat pants that fit.
I currently have a pair, but they are extremely baggy and could fit a dozen raccoons in them.

2. black socks
I enjoy short black socks.
I do not have that many and would like some more.

3. Moccasins
As the days get colder, my wood floors freeze up and I have to wear shoes all around the house.
It's no way to live man!
Make sure they have that nice fluffy wool lining.

4. Chai ice cream!
Only had it once at Baskin Robins.
And I never saw it again..
It made all my troubles disappear.
5. Assortment of Arizona iced teas !
Dude if you buy me a fucking case or even ten iced teas, Ill be rocking in the free world.
Please no diet or watermelon teas.
Shits gross!

7. Scarlett Johanssen
Good luck with this one..
I don't care how you get her as long as she isn't bruised.