Let me just start off with this.
I either need to proof read my blogs really well or just get a personal proof reader.
Hey Im internet famous, I demand my own damn proof reader!
We made it!
Mayor boy getting prepped for the leap.
A bit of relaxation was needed.
Not the best view in the world.
No bigs.
If you really need a good look at the strip a good suggestion is that you walk on it.
Unfortunately theirs no rest for scum bags like us.
It was time to get classy and paint the town.. BLACK.
We are nothing but classy.
Kev jumped the gun.
It's all that fiery Mexican jumping bean blood in him.
I suppose this is almost like a class photo.
Great friends, good times.
I should have straightened my tie a little.
Fuck it, we all decided to jump around.
I am the lizard king, I can do anything..
That includes but not limited to levitating.
At this point we go out on the town.
I did not take my camera with me. I was not going to risk me getting wasted and selling my camera for a piece of ass. Not that Im above that or anything..
Heres what I salvaged from other cameras.
Sorry I robbed these.

They made it.
Thats why he was MVP!
Your my boy blue!
Ok so heres the morning wreckage in no particular order.
Body count 5 deep.
Make that money man.
Make sure you don't lose it in you luggage.
Damn, we had a crazy couple of nights.
I wish that I could have documented it all.
To sum it up we just got gnarly as hell.
Got super drunk and some of us did some gambling and came up big time.
Others walked into the night like a crazy asshole.
The last day of the trip..
Jacob decided to join us.
Ill conclude tomorrow.
I'm so proud of your spelling!