Sunday, July 26, 2009

A keg a camera and a prom..

We had a "prom" last night.
I think me and the gang will find any excuse to dress up.
I know I like to look nice.

Sean and Bry dressed the part.

Stew and me went way back.
1800's shit for sure.

Mayor man looked nice.
Kenny lost his luggage

Kevin was going for a latin prom look.
Jack was in the 1800 crowd.

Sixteen Candles.

Jon came after work.

Prom consisted of only ten people.
We manage a rockin good time.

So my introductory is done so heres more photos.

Just friends.

Just friends.


Some randoms took their photo while I wasn't around.

A clock work sean.

Jacks feelin' it.

John's feelin' it?

Stew, Jack and Kevin managed to die, cross over and yet still party like a rock star.

Thanks disco ball.
Without you it wouldn't had been prom.

I have a ton more pics, but i really didn't want to upload them all here.
Go to my myspace.

1 comment:

  1. This was a delightful night full of fun and glorious photos my friend! you are a gem of out crowd! PS Sean and Toastie look like fraternity brothers !


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